201310 Pinasco Circlip Failure

Riding home - there was a little splutter after about 1 km of highway, I thought it was going to die so I pulled into the slow lane. No death or further splutter so I carried on as normal no problems (100km/hr real speed the whole way - ~15km). I got all the way to the exit at Yarra Blvd and just as I was pulling to the intersection it cut out (like being switched off). Did not start again so I had to leave it there.

Here's what happened... the loop bit of one circlip broke off and decided to go out the boost port. However half way through the piston got it (crunch) and then it progressed through the combustion chamber (leaving marks) and then out.

Very furtunately there was no bottom end damage and whacking on a new Pinasco saw me back on the road in a few hours.