Vespa CFD Pipeline
Here are my notes on the Vespa CFD pipeline I am using to generate results automatically. This is run on on
Pipeline Overview
Here are the steps in the pipeline:
Assemble Vespa
Todo: Automatically generate variations of Vespa streamline parts
Select a number of parts from $PIPELINE_HOME/scooter_bits and combine them into a single STL model file
Place the model file in $PIPELINE_HOME/common/stls for reference
Calculate Frontal Area
Process the single STL module file with CalculateFrontalArea
Generate OpenFOAM Case
Create a stub case in $CASE_HOME (based on Motorbike tutorial for now)
This may include automatic updates to things like snappyHexMeshDict for working out optimal mesh sizes
Set frontal area
cp -f $PIPELINE_HOME/forceCoeffs $CASE_HOME/system/
Update "Aref" to correct vaule (sed command probably)
Create PBS batch script for launching the job
cp -f $PIPELINE_HOME/common/run_openfoam ./$CASE_HOME/
Gather Results
Run OpenFOAM case and calculate power requirements from Cd and Aref
Todo: Based on results submit new jobs using optimisation techniques
$PIPELINE_HOME= my working dir
$CASE_HOME = the specific test dir
Pipeline Detail
These are working notes, so beware of mistakes and vagueness ;)