Other Information

German Rumours

This information was Google translated from Scooter Centre German Info and seems accurate as part numbers on the pistons match.

"The Pinasco is the route steamer for all 200ccm PX, Rally and Cosa of models. Full 213ccm packs in a beautifully processed cylinder poured by Gilardoni lets each scooter heart more highly strike. Achievement of 10,65kW at a number of revolutions of 6500U-min make capable from each 200|er a stable Tourer, is a continuous cruising speed over 110km-h to be made possible. Consumption is thereby under that of an original cylinder, since due to used aluminum the better heat dissipation for a compression increase could be used and the Vorauslass could be reduced by a scarce degree Kurbelwinkel. Thus the thermodynamic efficiency rises: speak it can more in the gasoline contained energy in work be converted.

Under many changes b.z.w the many different pistons and cylinder heads also, which the Pinasco was delivered, it came in the course of the time to a grandiosen confusion. Everyone could give another recommendation, how the Pinasco was to be driven best.

Here a small chronology of the happening:

Yesterday: The Pinasco is delivered in its original distribution form with a meal piston and a low consolidating cylinder head. Due to the fact that the piston does not give apparently the overcurrent channels completely freely and a long rockshaft brings Pinasco on the market, it develops fast the rumor, the cylinder for 60mm stroke was designed.

Soon thereafter the Pinasco with a Vertex appears piston. As next evolution stage the Pinasco (probably from cost reasons) with the so-called Polini type piston is delivered. This has the consequence that the cylinder runs in connection with the quite low compression more badly than an original cylinder. The straight conversion to the Polini similar piston (in the comparison to ‚echten| the Polini the pistons a 69mm drilling and a second piston ring exhibit), brings degradation of the achievement, there the piston windows now no longer with those in the cylinder aligning.

With a long rockshaft in the meantime nevertheless badly kastrierten cylinder can a little on the jumps to be however actually helped. (because the compression rose among other things by the larger stroke dramatically). But the achievement is the demanded price opposite still everything else as justified to drive out (and the official Pinasco importer also not more determined these further). After in the late nineties Pinasco of Bettella is bought up, it comes again to a change of the kit (as he is still delivered also today). The Polini piston was adapted to the windows in the cylinder and a cylinder head with a this time quite high compression was used.

Today: Finally the Pinasco has the achievement which it always have should. Largest problem is - now no more long stroke suited - the cylinder head. If the cylinder without additional balance seal in connection with a long rockshaft is installed (like it with the early Pinascos was problem-free possible), the compression to an astronomical value rises on (13,5: 1), which makes for the cylinder in shortest time from. Therefore a suitable balance seal must be used in connection with the long rockshaft and the new Pinasco.

In summary one can say that the Pinasco is a very good and strong alternative to the original cylinder. Qualitatively on highest level, the Pinasco is the recommendation for all, which want to implant more power without stress and great Herumstrickerei into their engine. It is not opposite all statements necessary to drive the Pinasco with a long rockshaft. For somewhat sportier uses a Sito plus exhaust and a running crankshaft can be used, which become just as torque strong the Pinasco however with high engine speed as a Polini 207ccm leave. A 28mm carburetor can be used, is however none must. The large carburetor on a diaphragm inlet can meaningful be used.

The adjusting data, which Pinasco in its older catalogs published, are not valid any longer. The preignition should be stopped between 20 and 23° v.Ot (depending upon exhaust) and the Bedüsung the following values to be adapted: Luftkorrekturdüse: 190, mixing tube: BE3, main jet: 118-125, Nebendüse: 2,4-2,9 a hole should be bored into the air cleaner with these Bedüsung in no case, as this was to be read in old Pinascoanleitungen. This is only attached if a 160|er Luftkorrekturdüse is used! In addition, then the diameter of the drilling should not exceed 5mm. Note: Due to in series all right the high compression the Pinasco with superfuel should be operated. The compression should be taken back on use of a running exhaust system possibly be reduced, at least however preignition, and adapted the Bedüsung! "

Australian Rumours

Discussion on SCSC forum suggested at PE heads fit on PX cases but the ports do not line up 100% and require dremelling. Since the ports on a Pinasco kit also does not line up 100% on PX cases, maybe this means that the Pinasco kit will fit better on PE cases. The port on the Pinasco kit "should" be bigger, so PE cases may also benefit from dremelling.

This should be easy to test... if someone has a PE case handy.