Scooterlabs Dyno

Project Description

This project is a scooter dyno for Scooterlabs Scooter Computer II scootute


Next Steps

This section is to describe the technical details and processes involved in getting the scooterlabs Dynojet Dynamometer up and running after the Second Hand Dyno Acquisition



Specs dump

Is this from the manual Scootute?

standard roller - 395 kg, 45.72cm diameter, 50.8 width, 'modeled mass' 204 kg

high inertia roller (what we think we have) - 295kg

What is modeled mass and can it help up calculate the inertia value?

using the spreadsheet calculator, assuming mild steel , drum walls of 10mm and axle of 700mm long and 60mm diam, i interpolated the inner diameter of the drum to be 297mm making the total weight 395kg inertia 13.4437kg/m2 - Problem is this is the normal model. we dont have the weight for the high inertia, only 'modeled mass' - edit - turns out the inertia mass is stamped on the roller. drum roll please.... it is 13.67. Not a bad guesstimate.

one guess for the meaning of modeled mass would be the mass it would weigh if all the mass existed on the outside diameter of the roller. (impossible) It would make inertia calculations easier and would explain why the figure is lower than the actual weight.

If this is true, then could it be possible that there is a direct relationship between the modeled mass and the inertia factor (kg/m2).  Meaning as the modeled mass of the 'high inertia' roller is 1.44607 times the modeled mass of the standard roller, the inertia factor of our one could be 1.44607 times 13.4437  =  19.440